
We have many solutions
for more efficient and safer
movement of people and goods

Data collection and distribution

We can help you build and manage large-scale data collection and distribution networks. We use different types of technologies to maximize the benefits and minimize the cost of implementation.

Whether you need to address wireless data collection from smart sensors or transmit large volumes of data over a fiber optic network.


The technologies we are using:

  • LoRa WAN
  • IP based sítě
  • and others

V2X cooperative systems

Cooperative vehicle systems are used for automated and standardised communication between vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure. They thus create an efficient and secure path for the wireless exchange of information between road users and thus open the door to the development of automated driving.


We focus on developing and delivering V2X to the following areas:

  • road and rail infrastructure
  • rail and road vehicles
  • installation in MHD and IZS vehicles

Occupancy monitoring

Parking lots, reserved spaces, restricted zones, etc… These are all areas where occupancy monitoring should be implemented. Whether it be monitoring the whole area or each parking space. In either case, we can recommend and deliver technology to help you assess the current occupancy status.


The technologies we are using:

  • Camera group detection
  • magnetometric parking spot detection
  • ultrasonic parking spot detection
  • entrance and exit loop detectors

Object detection

The basic task of telematics systems is the detection of vehicles and other objects, obtaining traffic data in the form of identifying the number and type of vehicles in a given section or area.

For your needs, we supply non-intrusive detection technologies that are easy to install on infrastructure without significant construction costs.


The technologies we are using:

  • video detection with AI object recognition module
  • loop cut vehicle detectors
  • magnetometric counters

AI image processing

Some, especially security, systems in transportation require precise and, above all, automatic object detection. General detection algorithms are no longer sufficient for this task, so we focus on the technology of object recognition and categorization on video images using AI. General AI tools allow us to train a model precisely according to the specific requirements of the given application through the process of algorithmic learning.

We also provide services in the field of telematics